Kiefer Sutherland nyilatkozott a 24 mozifilm körüli balhéról

Kiefer Sutherland a Jay leno Show-ban osztotta meg a rajongókkal, hogy miért került újra parkolópályára a 24 mozifilm. Alább a videó, a tovább mögött pedig írásos formában is elolvasható.

"It's something we've been working on. I think 24 ended about two and a half or three years ago. Howard Gordon, who was the writer for 24, and a wonderful writer Billy Ray, we started working on a script and it got to a point where another writer came in. We finally got a script to a really amazing place. Unfortunately, because of my schedule, we're trying to move a lot of moving parts, everybody else's schedule, and trying to find the right slot to do the film in. We're still trying, and if we don't get it into this slot, we'll do it next year. 24 was so good to me, and it was an amazing experience, and I think we have a responsibility to protect it. Our job is to make sure that we make the best possible movie ever, and if we have to wait a little longer, we will. We're still trying."

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