D23: Elkezdődött a Tim Burton-féle Dumbo forgatása
A Walt Disney bejelentette, hogy hivatalosan is nekiláttak az élőszereplős Dumbo forgatásának, amely az 1941-es klasszikus újragondolása lesz Tim Burton rendezésében, Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Eva Green és két újonc, Nico Parker és Finley Hobbins főszereplésével.
D23 EXPO 2017 - Saturday, July 15, 2017 - The Ultimate Disney Fan Event - brings together all the worlds of Disney under one roof for three packed days of presentations, pavilions, experiences, concerts, sneak peeks, shopping, and more. The event, which takes place July 14-16 at the Anaheim Convention Center, provides fans with unprecedented access to Disney films, television, games, theme parks, and celebrities. (Disney/Image Group LA)
D23 EXPO 2017 - Saturday, July 15, 2017 - The Ultimate Disney Fan Event - brings together all the worlds of Disney under one roof for three packed days of presentations, pavilions, experiences, concerts, sneak peeks, shopping, and more. The event, which takes place July 14-16 at the Anaheim Convention Center, provides fans with unprecedented access to Disney films, television, games, theme parks, and celebrities. (Disney/Image Group LA)
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